80. Common English Sayings From The Bible

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“Can a leopard change its spots?” – Jeremiah 13:23

Ellie, Robby, and Andy discuss some common English sayings that originate from the Bible!  They were all shocked to see many of these phrases to be from the Bible.  Andy for instance thought, “Can a leopard change its spots?” came from a Dr. Seuss book and that “how the mighty have fallen” was somehow a reference to “Mighty Casey at Bat”.  They discuss which ones they hear most often, which ones they use the most personally, and how we could take advantage of the Biblical origin of these common sayings for the purpose of evangelism, or at least take advantage of the easy opening to be able to naturally turn a conversation towards God’s Word!  A few of these sayings are virtually incomprehensible apart from the Biblical context, so Christians can really take advantage of the popularity of such Biblical phrases in our day to day conversations.

Please leave some feedback in the comments section about your thoughts on using this approach to steering a conversation towards Christ and his Word.

Also please, check out the show links to see the list of common saying Andy, Ellie, and Robby were using, as well as to get a visual on who Ellie and Robby are and more about what they do in their service to their neighbors.

Show Links

“37 Common English Sayings Originally From the Bible” by Kevin Halloran

Ellie’s Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy Website

Coach Robby Cherry – Crean Lutheran High School Cross Country Webpage

Andy’s Book – Contradict – They Can’t All Be True

Reconnect 18. Evangelism through Publishing a Christian Newspaper

Few places have a local Christian newspaper.  Starting a Christian newspaper can be a very challenging yet rewarding ministry and hobby that can bring glory to the Lord in your local area. Chris Thompson started Life in His Hands Christian Newspaper from scratch.  He shares why he did it and how he did it. He shares two things he recommends everyone to do if starting a paper and two things not to do. He shares the price of printing his paper, distribution tips, and so much more. Potentially, you could even use Chris’ layout for his paper and just update a few sections with local ads and replace a few of the local articles each week.  Maybe you are a writer, maybe you are a communications and media expert, maybe you are a graphic artist, maybe you are good at advertising and producing and sharing a product. Maybe this episode is intended for you.

Listen HereOr listen in iTunes

Reconnect Episode 18Show Links

Life in His Hands Homepage

PDF of issue of Life in His Hands mentioned on show concerning the deaf community in the Inland Empire

Listen to Chris preaching in the park at the sermon series he mentioned near the end of the show

Additional Link: Chris and Andy Talk Tolerance

Reconnect 17. Sharing the Gospel when Defending the Faith

Episode 17
Click here to listen!!! Or search Reconnect in iTunes.

Reconnect Episode 17
We should be evangelists first and apologists second.  When defending the Christian faith, we should always strive to incorporate the Gospel into our defense.  Why should we do this?  How can we do this?  Andy gives a brief explanation at the start of this episode, before reading an excerpt from his book Contradict – They Can’t All be True to answer these questions, before running these concepts through in practice on Cross Defense, a radio show hosted by Rod Zwonitzer  on KFUO out of St. Louis, Missouri!  Enjoy.

Reconnect 16. Building Bridges

Click here to listen to Episode 16 – “Building Bridges”.
Also listen on iTunes.

Reconnect Episode 16Andy interviews Ken Chitwood about his article, “Building Bridges: Toward Constructing a Christian Foundation for Inter-Religious Relationships in the Shift from Religious Privilege to Spiritual Plurality”.  The key points for inter-religious dialog that Ken suggests are: pay attention, find, and form, friendships, listen and learn, dine, dialog, and do together, discern, and witness to the worldview.

Click here to listen to Episode 16 – “Building Bridges”!

Andy has written an article with a similar theme for Reformation 21: Embracing Religious Contradictions to Proclaim Christ Crucified: Tolerance and Coexistence

Click here for Ken’s website, blog, contact, and more!
Order a copy of Andy Wrasman’s book, Contradict – They Can’t All Be True.

Reconnect 15. Christian Freedom, Eucatastrophes, and Rock ‘N’ Roll

>>>Episode 15 – Click here to listen! Right click to download.<<<

Listen in iTunes!

First Reconnect July Fourth Special!  Andy discusses the concept of “Christian Freedom” with Pastor Samwise Praetorius (Samuel Schuldheisz) by addressing the eucatastrophes of fairy stories and the Gospel connections that can be made with rock songs.  They both share their top three favorite rock songs to use for sharing the Gospel. If you don’t know how that’s possible, you need to give this episode a listen. 

Reconnect Episode 15Listen to Episode 15 Here.

Videos of Andy and Pastor Sam’s favorite Rock ‘N’ Roll Evangelism Songs:

Please listen to episode before watching these videos of our favorite rock songs to use when sharing the Gospel.  I’m keeping the song titles and bands a secret on this page to not spoil the fun when listening to the episode.  We’d love to hear your feedback on our approach and song selections.  If the linked videos are ever removed, please send me an email at andy@contradictmovement.org to notify me.

Andy’s third favorite rock song for evangelism
Andy’s second favorite rock song for evangelism (the studio version is better but here you can see the drummer in action)
Andy’s top favorite rock song for evangelism

Sam’s third favorite rock song for evangelism
Sam’s second favorite rock song for evangelism
Sam’s top favorite rock song for evangelism

Other Episode links:

Pastor Sam’s blog: E-nkings
Pastor Sam’s congregation’s website: Redeemer Lutheran
“Faith and Fairy Tales” by Pastor Sam
1517 The Legacy Project